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Gamified Learning Will Change The Way Luxury Hospitality Workers Perform

Gamified Learning Will Change The Way Luxury Hospitality Workers Perform

Nov 6, 2023

Nov 6, 2023

Gamification is changing the future of luxury hospitality. At Xenios Academy, we trust this process...and here is why...

Hi there! Gamification has become a buzzword in the world of learning and development - and for a good reason! By applying game-like elements to learning methods, employees can become more engaged, motivated, and, ultimately, better equipped to handle the challenges that come with their everyday tasks. This is especially true in the luxury hospitality industry, where providing exceptional customer service is crucial for long-term business growth.

One of the key benefits of gamification is that it makes the learning process fun. Employees can complete challenges and earn rewards, ranging from virtual badges to tangible incentives. This approach is more effective than traditional methods because it taps into employees' intrinsic motivation to learn and improve their skills. Did you know that a large survey conducted in 2019 found that 89% of employees felt more engaged and motivated in a learning environment that featured points, levels, and other game mechanics. Not only that, but this survey has also revealed that employees reported that gamification makes them feel more productive (89%) and happier (88%) at work (TalentLMS, 2019).

And, generally speaking, investing in employee education offers a guaranteed return on investment (ROI). A study done by IBM and reported by Forbes in 2017 found that every dollar invested in online training resulted in a $30 increase in a company’s productivity (Olenski S., 2017).

Gamification can also help employees in the luxury hospitality industry learn important skills in a more efficient and effective way. For example, it can help employees learn how to handle difficult situations, such as managing a VIP guest's complaint or dealing with a demanding customer. This allows employees to practice in a safe and controlled environment, which can lead to improved performance and confidence when the real situation strikes.

In addition, gamification can help employees track their progress and set goals for improvement. By using leaderboards and tracking their achievements, employees can see how they stack up against their peers and where they need to focus their efforts. This can lead to a sense of healthy competition and drive employees to improve their skills and knowledge.

Finally, gamification can be a cost-effective way to train employees. By using online platforms and resources, luxury hospitality companies can provide their employees with high-quality training without the need for too many extensive (and therefore expensive!) in-person training sessions.

In conclusion, gamification applied to learning methods can effectively improve employee engagement, motivation, and performance in the luxury hospitality industry. By making learning fun and interactive, employees can learn important skills in a more efficient and effective way, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and business success.

We mastered gamified learning for luxury hospitality – actually – our LMS platform did it! Interested to know more? Contact us today to receive an offer based on your particular needs and turn your employees into a team of hospitality superheroes! 

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